Feedback Informed Therapy (FIT)
As part of our quality assurance program, our practice has implemented Feedback Informed Therapy (FIT). This is a well-researched approach that actively encourages collaboration between the client and the psychologist by completing a quick and easy scale before and after therapy.
FIT therapy does not replace the therapy processes / goals previously discussed with your Psychologist but rather is added to or joins in with your current therapy process. FIT's purpose is to support and improve your therapy through better communication and understanding from both the Client and Psychologist.
The Outcomes Rating Scale
The First Scale Before or at the Beginning of the Session
Kindly arrive at least 5 minutes before each session to have the appropriate time to complete the first scale with us.
While in reception or at the start of each session with your psychologist, you will be asked to complete the Outcomes Rating Scale (ORS). This quickly summarises how you have been coping over the past week and how you are progressing towards the goals that you have established / developed in the previous session with your Psychologist.
The Session Rating Scale
The Second Scale at the End of Session or After the Session
At the end of a session, your Psychologist will administer a scale to help assess the rapport that has been developed during session, whether you have felt heard and supported, and whether your Psychologist has worked on the specific goals that you needed help with.
Keep Practicing Your Feedback
Identifying and working on goals during your therapy is a shared responsibility for both the Client and Psychologist. A Psychologist is only able to work alongside you if and as far as you allow them to.
FIT gives the Client a space to communicate more. This is a positive part of your therapy process and becomes a great framework to ensure quality of care for you, our client. You may have mixed feelings when providing feedback but as the Client, your role in your therapy process is important. Try to be as honest and open as you feel comfortable with. Your Psychologist will manage the results thoughtfully, taking the feedback into account when planning future treatment. The more feedback you can give, the more you are benefited and helped towards achieving your goals.
For further information on Feedback Informed Therapy, kindly click on this link below: